Healing of 2-Year Mid Back Injury
10/12/2018 - Written By Gerardo Ayala

Who dares to argue that nightmares are not real? I do not. Since I was a little boy, I began having nightmares of all kinds. But a nightmare of falling while ice skating and becoming paralyzed was the scariest one. In the nightmare, my life had come to stop. I could not walk anymore and became home-bound. Over time that nightmare faded away, and I figured this is never going to take place since is just a nightmare. Call it a coincidence, but at age 33, a similar nightmare began.
On June 27, 2015 while driving back home from work, me and my spouse were involved in a horrible car accident. My spouse was driving, and I was the passenger. We first got hit from behind on my side. I was still conscious after the first hit, and I thought, I will be ok, it was not too bad, but then a couple of minutes later, we got hit again on the same side. There I became unconscious and until today, I do not remember much of it. Luckily my spouse was left uninjured, but I was not so lucky. I had multiple vertebrae and rib fractures, and a lacerated kidney and liver. My stay at the hospital lasted several days. While I was there, that old nightmare came back more than once, and I realized, I could become paralyzed from this accident. I felt terrified.
After the accident, the typical drug and physical therapy began. The physical therapy was painful, but I could tolerate it. However, the drugs took a big hit on me. I decided to stop taking them because they would make my stomach hurt horribly and I would
become easily constipated. A few months passed, and my back got better. I was able to move around, and I started walking longer distances. So, at that point I recall thinking that I was going to heal without major consequences. But that thought was short lived. I began feeling heavy excruciating pain, specially in the mid-back area, with the pain wrapping around my thoracic cavity. This time the pain was not alone, it came with very strange tingling and numbing sensations that would start in the thoracic area and move down my extremities. After a few weeks of the mentioned symptoms, I began to feel the need to lay down longer during the day. Eventually and without noticing, my life had come to a sudden stop. My social life was interrupted because of my symptoms. I felt I had to stay in the house or close to it because it was the only safe place for me. Finally, my nightmares of becoming paralyzed were starting to become
One day, after being told by at least 3 different neurosurgeons that there was no treatment or surgery that could cure me, my spouse came up with the idea of taking Tran’s wellness lessons. I laughed at him, and I said to him, “How is that going to help me? Don’t you see I can barely move sometimes?” He replied, “You have not other choice!!!” I said, “You try it first, then I might try it too.” He found Dr. Tran wellness program which happened to be close to our home. He began to attend classes and soon enough he began to see positive results. So, I decide to give it a try.
On the first day, I met Dr. Tran and his assistant Anthony. Dr Tran assured me that I was at the right place and that he would help me along the way in any way he could. He said that my back was tight from lack of movement, as well as, lack of correct posture. He also mentioned I looked ill, that I had no color on my face. But he encouraged me, and I immediately began the first exercises. I still remember my first stance, it was weak and shaky. I could not do a stance for longer than a minute. I could feel that heavy pain and excessive tingling coming and going during the exercises. At the end of the first day, I was exhausted and in deep pain. However, I did feel lighter and relaxed, like I was walking on clouds, so it was a feeling of good pain. Something was different, and I felt relieved. The day after each Tran’s wellness class I had to lay down several times because the pain and tightness was at its worst due to the new stimulation it was receiving. Around week five, I began to feel stronger and my stances became better executed. The first thing I noticed going away was the horrible tingling which was the cause of my anxiety. My back pain was still bad, but I did not give up; because my body was healing. Three months later, my tingling was down by at least fifty percent, and functional activity was back up to about 65 percent. At the same time, I was advancing to the second level of the program, and this made it all even more interesting. Now six months and a half into Dr. Tran Wellness Program, my tingling has completely disappeared. I have recuperated about ninety percent of my functional daily activities. I even started working again. I was unemployed for almost three years due to my back problems and now I am happy to be productive again.
Today, it has been a week and half since Dr. Tran asked me to share my story. And today I have the courage to complete it. Today I can say with confidence that Dr. Tran’s wellness class has changed my life and has turned around the nightmare of becoming paralyzed. Today, I am about to finish level two and I feel stronger than when I started. I can now sleep better every night. Now, I
am not saying that I am cured, I am saying that Dr. Tran wellness program has helped me recuperate the control of my life. I still feel
pain, but I have the strength to continue to improve, something that in my case, traditional medicine could not provide.
Authentic Natural Healing
Dr Anh C Q Tran