Month: November 2018

Loan Tran

Loan Tran
My mother in law has been practicing with us since 1998. When she
started, she had suffered from pain in both knees for years. Now, even
at 82 years old, she is stronger than she was 20 years ago. In the
picture she could still perform the low crossing stance which she could
not even do when she was 20 years younger. Thanks to her patience, she
has proven it is never too late to practice.
Advance Natural Healing
Dr Anh C Q Tran

10 Years Fibromyalgia Healing

Katy Weeden
10 Years Fibromyalgia Healing
Katy Weeden
Bear with me, this is going to be long. Because fibromyalgia is not an easy affliction to deal with.
When I first came to Dr. Tran, I had suffered from fibromyalgia for roughly 10-15 years (it’s hard to know, because it took a long time just to get a diagnosis.) Some of those years I had to spend most of my time every day in bed. My primary symptoms were chronic pain, chronic fatigue and what they call “brain fog” (memory problems). I had spent the previous year with a holistic doctor who recommended a barrage of natural treatments, including dietary change, supplements, multiple IV treatments. In spite of spending a LOT of time, energy and money, I didn’t get any relief. I also was getting chiropractic and acupuncture treatment, both of which were helpful, and probably saved me from getting way worse. But, still, not the breakthrough I really needed. I became very depressed, because I know some people with fibro end up completely disabled. I had a life to live, I loved my career as a doula, and wanted to be able to spend quality time with my five daughters and grandson.
When I first visited Dr. Tran, here was my list of symptoms:
1. Chronic pain
2. Chronic fatigue
3. Brain fog
4. Neck pain
5. Lower back pain
6. Extremely low energy level
7. Food allergies
8. Digestion problems/stomach discomfort
9. IBS
10. Insomnia
11. Poorly managed stress
12. I also had developed NAFLD; my liver was enlarged and had a cyst
and gallstones. My holistic doctor gave me some time to pursue natural
healing, but if I couldn’t get it under control, I was going to need
So, how did the Tran wellness program help?
Within 3 months, my energy level increased dramatically. I was so happy when I could tell Dr. Tran I was able to return to walking 3 miles! My pain levels became much more manageable. I’d say I had a 60-80% improvement, although it fluctuates. But, I’m not in pain all the time for no reason. I still experience pain after exercising and when under stress.
Sometime after that I had my eyeglass prescription renewed--I was shocked to be told that I needed a lower prescription, because my vision had improved.
At about 6 months my fibro fog lifted!! This was a big deal to me, because I love to learn. But, I had trouble remembering words, and would forget the things I learned in the various classes and workshops I attended. I had to keep extensive notes on my desk at work, reminding me of the things I tell callers every day. Now the memory problems are completely gone. I’m even able to study Mandarin Chinese!!!
When my liver panels came back, I had completely normal numbers. No gallbladder surgery for me!
I don’t even know at what point my IBS symptoms went away, but you can imagine how happy I was about that! The stomach discomfort disappeared when my liver improved.
But, because fibromyalgia is not an easy condition to heal, I had a bit of a bump in the road at about 7 months. Because of the extreme stress I was experiencing in my family and professional life, I developed syncope (faintness and dizziness). I was so discouraged that I didn’t want to come to class. But, Dr. Tran and the TVE instructors encouraged me (nagged me?) to keep coming, even if I had to lie down on the floor when I felt dizzy. (And, I did have to lie down on the floor during several classes.) But they worked closely with me, teaching me how to moderate the strength I used, and to focus on syncing my breath and movement. This actually was a tremendous growth period for me, because as a fibro sufferer, I only know two speeds: 1. full strength powering through the pain and fatigue; 2. completely on my back in bed. (Syncope disappeared after about a month.)
I’m now almost at a full year of practice with Dr. Tran. In addition to the improvements I listed above, I lost an entire dress size (continuing to lose) and look younger. Best of all, the confidence and strength I’ve gained through persevering with the Dr. Tran’s Wellness Program have enabled me to deal with very high stress levels, and have given me the courage to make difficult, but rewarding, changes in my personal life. I’ve been able to take on an additional job as a nanny to an active toddler, and I’m even planning a trip to China in the spring!
I’m so, so thankful to Dr. Tran, and my excellent Instructors Tony Sain, Damon Craig and Anthony Vu. I love these guys! They’ve always been upbeat, encouraging and patient, and always keep me challenged and laughing (and don’t make me feel stupid if I have to lay on the floor). I honestly don’t know what I would have done without TVE. If you have fibromyalgia, or any other disease or syndrome, especially if traditional medicine tells you you’re “incurable”, I highly recommend that you come and try Dr. Tran’s Wellness Program for yourself!
Authentic Natural Healing
Dr Anh C Q Tran

Duyet Nguyen
Duyet Nguyen

You are never to old to practice, and it's never to late for healing. Mr. Duyet is 78 years old and had knee pains for many years; yet after practicing Dr. Tran's Wellness program he's able to do moves that would be challenging for a teenager.
Authentic Natural Healing
Dr Anh C Q Tran

1 Week Acute + 6 Years Chronic Lower Back Pain Healing
1 Week Acute + 6 Years Chronic Lower Back Pain Healing
With 20 years of Yoga, Ms. Argelia has a very flexible body. However, she has been suffering from chronic lower back pain for the last six years. When she met Dr. Tran on the 6th of April this year, she had acute pain which reduced the range of motion in her back by more than 80% (see video). In addition, the numbness spread to both legs, making it very difficult and uncomfortable for her to walk or stand. She could also only sit for15′ without pain. After 6 days With Dr. Tran Wellness Program, she recovered faster than she had anticipated. To her surprise, her level of flexibility returned to normal. 2 months later, her numbness and pain subsided.
Advance Natural Healing
Dr Anh C Q Tran