TVE Wellness

Dr. Anh C.Q. Tran

Dr. Anh C. Q. Tran is the creator of TVE Wellness program. As a Doctor, experienced in the fields of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy, Dr. Anh Tran wanted something more for his patients. Acknowledging the importance of daily exercise, provided his years of experience in the medical field – as well as around 40 years’ worth of practice in Qigong, Tai Chi and Kung Fu Dr. Tran has spent many years honing his craft to create his own method of natural  healing, providing a new alternative in holistic medicine that not only heals most chronic conditions, but also accelerates their recovery meanwhile improving their overall health. Additionally, Dr. Tran’s Wellness program doubles as an excellent preventative against common illnesses and injuries sustained through daily activities. The product of his hard work is this: a program that brings you fast acting, high quality and long-lasting results.

Building from prior experience in the medical field as a physical therapist, his understanding of physiology and myriad years of practice in Qigong, Dr. Tran has crafted a program that utilizes the body’s natural healing and defensive mechanisms to repair, restore and improve our overall health.  With his program, health and wellness can be achieved, while reducing the general wear and tear sustained through daily activity and aging. Ever since the very first year back in 1993, Dr. Tran has overseen a variety of cases numbering in the hundreds, dealing with such chronic conditions as arthritis, back pain, insomnia, migraine, high/low blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and even Parkinson’s Disease just to name a few, with each case showing tangible improvements.

Combining his experience as a doctor with over 30 years of practicing, refining and honing his program, Dr. Tran has tailored his techniques to provide optimal results. Should you find yourself looking for a new alternative form of exercise, or perhaps find yourself suffering from one or more of the four most common conditions: Chronic conditions, stress, low energy, or weight control, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Tran, and see how Dr.Tran’s Wellness can help you.